A two-year-old boy took the loaded gun that his mother left in a place accessible to him


A terrible tragedy happened in Arizona, USA. A two-year-old boy took the loaded gun that his mother left in a place accessible to him, what happened next is simply awful.

According to the Houston Chronicle, Wendy Lavarnia is 28 years old and explained that she put a loaded gun down for just a few minutes, just to go get a holster. the gun was put down, just a few inches from his two children aged 2 and 4, respectively.


At that moment, her youngest son took the gun in his hand and shot his brother who was playing down on the computer in the same room. The child was rushed to the hospital, went into a coma, and died the same day. Lavarnia was arrested for child abuse, with two defendants, one for each child.

She informed investigators that she often allowed the 2-year-old to “practice” with the weapon, which was always unloaded. The father of the 31-year-old was also arrested when he arrived home, but it is unclear whether he will be charged.

The mother taught her two-year-old child to walk with the gun, and he did as he was taught, the result is an indescribable tragedy.

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